Hey I have a few questions about the different editions of the first six... I've always collected all of ICP's CD's, and that was hard to do back in the 90's when I was a teenager and being from the UK. Anyways I know there are a few different versions of each Jokers Card. Forr example there is a rarer Hollywood gold version of The Great Milenko... I have a couple different editions of each card as I bought the First Six BOXSET. Has anyone got a list of all the different edition????? Or does anyone know a site that lists them. Just curious as I wanted to go through my collection and compare. I know a lot of the first six had re-releases and stuff... Also I would love to see some of your collections, or rare editions of CD's, be cool to post some pics. I have the First Six Boxset which I think was pretty rare but I'm not sure...
Please help...
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.