Zitat von qwan points that have to be discussed: crossbow coil immobilizer mines catapult
crossbow when were building siege before a factory -> (desperate^^) Siege rush mines only when opponent is going fire rush -> no strata at the beginning Coil,immo, cata : After Lego yes
coil: as soon as they have summs(--> best anti summ weapon)[so most oh the time immediately] immo: as soon as they have behes: yes ;otherwise:maybe mines:depends on situation catapult: a guarded cata is devastating since 3000 life --> you have to kill the guards first and it deals 2-3 times the damage of a balli (beast has no shield)
i agree mostly with your opinions. coil is very important! Agree with max. I'm not the best human player but i can handle nearly everything. Even green!