Weapons: melee: course //YES ember/blaze: yes //YES fireball: does smb use it? //NO frost/tempest: yes //YES lightning: no //mabye-->what map? green: no //until surre if red stone avalible
Technologies: frenzy/mana: course//MANA stone?! maybe... sacc/fire wards: yes //YES wind shield/mist shroud:yes //YES 6th sense/snare: no // snare? maybe.. 6th sense=BADBADBAD, but with out it no snare...
we can only "behe rush" when we got a good portal or when the shield tower can be sacced/summed otherwise we get raped by their towers and their sieges
We should find an empty server and practice all of those things between us instead of talking about them and we will see then wich option is better and find new strategy;).This way we will improve our skills.We can practice the things we are not great at and learn.And maybe i get to know u guys better:)