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Up-to-the-minute Microsoft Dp-201 Dumps PDF along with Dp-201 PDF Questions
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Have you ever had the experience that you always seem to notice the things around you that make you unhappy or fail? Is it so that you don't notice the possibilities to succeed in your goals? Or even worse... are you convinced it is not possible at all?
Why is it that some people seem to have the luck of finding nearly all they would like to get?
Well, here is the answer!
Did it occur to you that you really felt enthusiastic about something you totally had the feeling you already had it?
E.g. you were going to buy a car. You had the drive to get it? You knew exactly what you wanted? You went for window shopping? You did a test drive? You felt and smelt the car just as it was your own? You loved the colour and the shape of it? You totally had the vision of you with this car?
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All of a sudden you see cars that resemble to your choice everywhere, right? It seems that many people bought such a car that day Cheap Air Max 97 , isn't it?
How come you didn't notice these cars before? They must have been there all the time! That is what your conscious rational thinking says! But your unconscious had never paid attention to them, so you didn't see them!
How does that work?
Well, your unconscious mind can process about 400 Cheap Air Max 95 ,000,000 bits of information per second. It regulates your breathing, heartbeat Cheap Air Max 90 , movements, hormones, digestion Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes , blood pressure, r?flexes, automatic responses Cheap Air Max Shoes , feelings, perception,? It can give attention to millions of events at the same time!
Your conscious mind can process only about 1 Cheap Nike Air Max ,000 bits of information per second. It can give attention to only 2 or 3 events at the same time. E.g. when you are writing something down, you might be able to talk to someone at the same time, but when then the phone rings you probably will have to choose where to give your attention to!
What filters which of this enormous amount of bits of information is consciously noticed?
That is the job of the R.A.S. in our brain Cheap Air Max , the Reticular Activation System. This system has a kind of ?priority list? to what is important to us to notice. And you can change that unconscious ?priority list? by your conscious free will!